Plant come in many different shapes, sizes and colours. Plants can look very different but they all have roots, stems and leaves. Some plants also have flowers and fruit.

Many foods that we eat are plants. Vegetables com from different part of plants.

  • The roots of a plant grow in the ground and help the plant get water. Different plants have different types of roots. We can eat some roots such as carrots. Carrots and potatoes are root vegetables.


  • The stem of the plant brings water to all the parts of the plant. Asparagus and celery are stems.

  • The leaves take in sunlight for the plant so it can make food. Spinach and lettuce are leaf vegetables.

Your child will have learned about the different parts of plants and how we use plants for food. This exercise helps to reinforce both of these lessons.

  • Compare two local plants. Draw or write about the differences in your workbook.
  • Draw and label a flowering plant in your workbook.
  • Go outside and look at a tree. Draw and label a picture of it and make leaf rubbing.

Keyword: flower, leaf, stem, fruit, root


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